25 May, 2006

I don't get it...

I just read The Da Vinci Code. And I’m confused. It kinda threw me. Not the way it apparently did for many people. But it affected me just the same.

I’m thrown by the fact that people are tossed about by this book. It’s not that good. There are a couple loose ends the author never sows up. The ending is incredibly anticlimactic. And then there is the tremendous leaps in logic the author makes to build the case for the “startling new revelation” about the church and Jesus. I tried to read it very carefully. I tried to dig for the hidden gems that had caused all the confusion. I didn’t see it. I couldn’t find it.

I know many people have been confused, challenged by this book. Some even so far as to disavow the church and/or God. Or to stop searching for The Truth because of the claims made in the book. I’m not trying to discount those. I’ve heard second and third hand of people who’ve begun to question things because of the book. It saddens me. It saddens me that people could be drawn away from The Answer they are looking for by a book of fiction. A thriller, no less.

The Truth is there for people to discover. To experience. Jesus is there to be found. Not the Jesus of Da Vinci but a real, living person. A person who paid the sacrifice for all of us. The One. The Creator from the beginning of time. Not the person of myth or legend or conjecture. The Person who is calling out to all of us to follow Him. He offers grace and freedom and peace. He offers challenge and adventure and purpose. Jesus. Fully human. Fully God. Perfect. Sorry Da Vinci…

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