29 March, 2006

Poor Marshmallows!

A friend of mine has a great post on his new blog. Please read and enjoy. It's amazing how we go thru these rants and raves as followers of Jesus. We're right - you're wrong. You're so wrong we're going to lock you away. No wait, that's not enough... we'll kill you. As Tim says, "Labeling someone a heretic, a witch or a pagan and burning, boiling, flaying, drawing, quartering or drowning them (not enough room to list all the fun we've had with heretics, witches and pagans) is a sport developed by the church..."

But Tim's point (and the genesis of his post) is this is not a phenomenon of ancient church history. The attitude and what it turns into still happens today. Whether it's the gay marriage issue or abortion, Christian can appear to hate as much as we love. Those issues are incredibly important to deal with but the way in which we deal with them says as much about what it means to follow Jesus as does speaking out.

I'd like to be known as a person of love much more than a person that is right. I hope I am gracious and merciful more than I am known for what I say. I guess I hope I can be a little like Jesus...

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