17 January, 2008

There's Something in the Air

Watched the Macworld keynote yesterday. WOW. Those guys have it together. Style, design, innovation, presentation. The Macbook Air is simply amazing. Simple. Elegant. Lovely. Everyone but the biggest Apple diehard knows that their products are not the highest quality. Or easiest to use. Despite what they claim. But Steve Jobs ability to “sell” the idea. Bring passion. Excite the masses. His presentation skills are second to known. His direction and will lead his company to new and higher things seemingly every year.

Why can’t we as followers of Jesus do just as good a job? Why can’t we inspire the masses with the product we have to offer? Why don’t people line up to hear our story? Well, sometimes they do…

Or should we be after that? Jesus was never interested in the crowd. He was never about attention. He was seemingly devoid of ego (not accused of having too much). Yet His movement (company) changed the entire world. More than any Mac or iPod or iAnything.

I love and am fascinated by good design and innovation. I appreciate the quality and the passion. But I’m not sure if that should be translated to our life of faith…

1 comment:

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

I love your post about why we don't promote Jesus in the same way as, say, Apple. It sounds funny when I type it but it's true! Maybe we think it's too important and personal to put any spin on. I don't know....but you've certainly challenged me...so thank you!
