25 May, 2006


About a month or so ago my oldest son, Joshua age 7, came to me to talk about Jesus. He wanted to talk with me about a decision he had made at Kids Connection at our church. At the time I was playing a video game on the computer (Civilization, my favorite) and pretty engrossed in trying to dominate the world. I didn’t fully hear him and said something completely inexplicable in hindsight, “I’ll talk to you in a little while, Daddy’s playing a game.” It took a couple minutes for the actual words he said to penetrate my think skull or dull ears. I immediately found him and took him to a quite place so we could talk. He wanted to share that he had made the choice to follow Jesus. Those were his words. Not mine. He wanted to follow Jesus. To accept what He offered. Forgiveness. There have been only a few moments where I’ve been as proud and excited all at the same time. My son wants to follow Jesus. To try to act like Jesus does. To try to think about what Jesus thinks. Again his words. God is good.

But what an absolutely terrible example of fatherhood. If our father waited until he was ready to respond to us, what a train wreck we’d be in. If God said wait until I’m ready to talk to you, to grant you grace, to listen… I’d be lost. I was very convicting of my job of bringing up my son. I need to be in tune with them. With their rhythms. With what they care about. Are passionate about. I know God is that way with me. He’s the example of Father hood I’d like to more like than what I’m like as a father now.

May God help me…

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