25 May, 2006

I've always wanted to be a mystic...

I’m fascinated by the contemplative/mystical side of following Jesus. The mystery of the truths of the Bible. God loves us. God grants us mercy/grace. God wants to know us. God desires us. These are truths I’ve been taught from very young. But I’m still floored by them. There is a scripture that boggles my little mind. Zephaniah 3:17. In this verse are the phrases about God, “He will take great delight in you.” “He will quiet you with His love.” “He will rejoice over you with singing.” I’m amazed by these words. The God of the Universe. Yahweh. The One. I am. Thinks about me like this? It just can’t be. I’m not good. I have mean, nasty, unclean thoughts. I’m unkind to my wife sometimes (too often). I yell at my kids instead of training them. I talk bad about people. I choose entertainment that is not in my best interest. I… I… The list is huge. But these words say that God “delights, quiets, rejoices” because of me. Me? Not sure what to do with that. Not sure how to react.

But another part of me is intrigued and encouraged by the mystery. Because the truth is… these words are true! Because of Jesus. What he did for me (for us). We can experience this kind of relationship with God. God wants to know us. He wants to quiet the noise of life with His Love. He wants to sing us songs. He wants to take delight in his children. And I’m amazed again. I’m amazed because of Truth. I’m amazed because I can experience this kind of relationship with the God of the Universe.

It’s mystical. It’s amazing. It’s true.

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